Cellular Three-Dimensional Volume – Correlative Array Tomography Workshop (CAT2023)

Dear Colleagues,

It is a great pleasure to invite you to the first Cellular Three-Dimensional Volume – Correlative Array Tomography Workshop  (CAT2023) 29th November - 1st December, Gothenburg 2023! 

The CAT2023 Workshop (free of charge!) is designed to bring researchers and industry together interested in Cellular 3D volume – Correlative Array Tomography to introduce this new technology, stimulate knowledge exchange and the formation of collaborations. No matter where you are in your career, participating at this Workshop will allow you to stay abreast of this new imaging technology, learn new sample preparation and image analysis methods, and most importantly, network with colleagues and make new connections! Please, help me now to spread this information in your networks.

Many biological functions depend critically upon fine details of tissue molecular architecture that have resisted exploration by existing imaging techniques. Array tomography encompasses light and electron microscopy modalities that offer unparalleled opportunities to explore three-dimensional cellular architectures of large samples in extremely fine structural and molecular detail, including neural circuits, organs (e.g. brain, pancreas, kidney, heart), small model organisms and subcellular organelle networks. Based on methods for constructing and repeatedly staining and imaging ordered arrays of ultrathin resin-embedded serial sections on glass slides, silicon wafers or tapes, array tomography allows for quantitative, high-resolution, large-field volumetric imaging of large numbers of antigens, fluorescent proteins, and ultrastructure in individual tissue specimens. This will contribute further to the understanding of the complex 3D architecture of tissues in their natural context, which is crucial for gaining understanding of the structure function correlation in biological systems, and especially to resolve questions not possible to dissect with conventional electron microscopy techniques.

The program will offer an attractive combination of lectures and hands-on demonstrations from electron and light microscopy to image analysis. It will also provide excellent opportunities for discussions and informal gatherings. The sessions will cover the following topics within cellular 3D volume-array tomography research: Volume electron/light microscopy-array tomography; Sample preparation for Array Tomography; Correlative array tomography; Multibeam scanning electron microscopyImage processing and analysis for Array Tomography. 

Confirmed Speakers


Kristina Micheva, Stanford University, California, United States

Moritz Helmstaedter, Max Planck Institute for Brain Research, Germany



Jemima Burden, University College London, United Kingdom

Erin Cocks, University of Gothenburg, Sweden

Jacob Hoogenboom, Delft University of Technology, Netherlands

José Maria Mateos Melero, University of Zurich, Switzerland

Luke Noon, Center for Investigation Principe Felipe, Spain

Norman Rzepka, Scalable Minds GmbH, Germany

Martina Schifferer, Center for Neurodegenerative Diseases, Germany

Richard Schalek, Harvard University, Cambridge, United States

Thomas Templier, Janelia Research Campus, United States

Irene Wacker, Universität Heidelberg, Germany


Lectures sessions registration, free of charge.

Hands-on Sessions, free of charge – Limited slots available. Hands-on participants will be selected from motivated candidates.

Registration here.


For more update information visit the CAT2023 website.


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