COURSE: Napari for Beginners

Dear Czech-BioImaging users,

we would like to invite you to join an upcoming 2-day course "Napari for Beginners", organized by the Imaging Methods Core Facility (IMCF) at BIOCEV intended as a gateway to Napari, a dynamic open-source software that leverages the Python programming language to offer interactive image visualization and advanced solutions in image processing and analysis.


Here’s what you can expect:

  • Introductory sessions focused on the installation and understanding of Conda, Python, and Napari.
  • Learning to navigate through the Napari interface.
  • Conducting basic image operations within Napari.
  • Exploring various Napari plugins essential for common image analysis tasks like segmentation.
  • Going through an example image analysis workflow to apply the learned concepts in practice.


All communication concerning the event should be addressed to


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